
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Uh Oh

"The tired and thirsty prospector threw himself down at the edge of the watering hole and started to drink. But then he looked around and saw skulls and bones everywhere. Uh-oh, he thought. This watering hole is reserved for skeletons."-Jack Handy 

Uh oh has two meanings in the Maeve dictionary.  The first is, Uh oh, things are not as they should be, I need you to fix it.  This is the kind of uh oh I hear when our bedroom door is open, or the kitchen gate, or her video is at the end credits and needs to be restarted.  This is a useful kind of uh oh as she's usually preventing herself from getting into trouble, although I see in it a future toddler who always wants things to be just so and struggles with changes.

The second meaning is the one that cracks me up: Uh oh, I did something I shouldn't and now I don't like the consequences.  She will pull out her dresser drawer and I hear Uh oh from the other room as she's trying to put everything away, looking helplessly at me.  Or Uh oh, I tried to climb up on the shelf in the closet and now I'm stuck up here.  Or Uh oh, I pulled a dirty wipe out of the trash and it's gross.

She punctuates them kind of funny, it comes out Uh. Oooooooh.  And sometimes you only get the Uh part if she forgets the Oh.  But no matter the Uh oh, when I hear it, I come running, for things are clearly not as they should be, for whatever reason.  

Uh oh.  Out of juice.

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