
Friday, September 9, 2011

How? How?

"He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. " -Elbert Hubbard

I had become so adept at understanding her silences, I was surprised when she started using new words!  Earlier in the week, she started making more animal sounds.  It used to be all we could get out of her was a "Mmmmm" for a moo, but over the weekend she started barking like a dog, and a few days later, she started neighing and baaing with the best of them.  Animal sounds! Breakthrough!

But yesterday really took the cake.  While playing at my grandma's house, she found an old land line phone.  I showed her how to say hello into the receiver, and pretty soon she was walking all over the house saying "How? How?" which is her best version of hello.  When we got home, she started saying how? into her nightlight.  Um, I guess it's a form of technology, although it bears little resemblance to a phone.

While she sat in her high chair last night, Daddy told her that her chicken nuggets were tasty.  She looked hard at him and said "Tase... ty."  We looked at each other in shock - we can barely get her to repeat us when we're begging her, let alone spontaneously!  And we realized that we now need to not ever say anything we don't want repeated.  Eeep!

As she finished her meal, she let out a flatulence of impressive volume, at which she giggled.  I asked her, "Did you toot?"  And she grinned and uttered "Too...t".  Yup, straight to the scatological words.  Well, she is a toddler.

She looks goofy cuz she's saying the letter P to let me know she wants her pacifier.


  1. LOL!!I remember getting SO FRUSTRATED with Micah learning to talk - he was super slow. The funny thing was, once I taught him to sign, he just shot off. I believe he was 20 months then - he learned about 50 signs in 2 weeks. Moxie's signing now, too and I'm pretty happy about that - it's such a relief when they can communicate, isn't it?

  2. Lol! Time to start watching your language! :D
