
Friday, September 16, 2011

Leaps, Bounds

"Human vocabulary is still not capable, and probably never will be, of knowing, recognizing, and communicating everything that can be humanly experienced and felt. " -Jose Saramago

Human vocabulary my have its limitations, but it is also a playground full of adventures.  I myself, as you might have noticed in my writing, am an aficionado of great words, of the treasures of language.  

Maeve is finding treasure of her own, as she has finally, at long last hit her language growth spurt.  She is, at present, learning about three new words a day, which is really an astounding rate.  By the way, great word, astonish, it literally means turned to stone, from the old English astoned.  No drugs involved.

I wanted to record Maeve's present vocabulary; including a pronunciation guide and definitions as best I know them.

Momma: (mama) - Lady who fixes it, and squishes me into kisses.

Daddy: (dadeeee) - Peekaboo guy who gives me baths and calls me String Bean.  Invisible during the day.

All Done: (ah nee) - Please make it go away unless I suddenly change my mind.

More: (moe) - Another cookie belongs in my mouth.  Chocolate.

Up/Down: (updee) - I wish to be taller or shorter.

Snack/Pretzel/Cookie: (nack, tz, key) - I am bored in the car, and demand tribute.

Uh Oh: (uh oooooh) - I sense a disturbance in the Force.  I may have caused it.

Assorted nouns: Bus (buh), Handle (ha-doo), Home (hoe), Sheep (baa baa), Cow (moooo or mmmmmm),  Dog (*high pitched barking noise, same as for Duck and Cat*), Toe (toooooe), Teeth (tee), Slide (sigh), Baby (beebee)

Yummy (nummy/numma) - Like this, want more.

No (nononono) - Oddly meaningless when Mom and Dad say it, when I say it, it means I don't like it, I'm going to do it anyway, that's not right.

Yes: (ish) - affirmative.

Pacifier/Popsicle - (PPpppppp) I will put it in my mouth unless it is sticky in which case I will rub it all over my shirt.

 Hoppy/Hoppa: - I don't know what this means, but when she says it, if the Husband or I repeat it, she frowns and says no.

I think that's about it, but I love watching her pick up new words and make up new meanings for existing words, or create her own words altogether.  And I will let you know if we figure out why we're not allowed to say Hoppa.

Dadeeee rematerializing yesterday


  1. How could I forget Nigh Nigh? One of my faves! She also pointed at the moon and said "Moo" today on our walk to the park :)

  2. So awesome! I can't wait 'til Sammy hits his word spurt! :D
