
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Pan Says

Here's how a new game started at our house yesterday.  Maeve was angry (for whatever reason, I don't remember now) and threw one of her play cookware pans on the floor.  When it bounced off the rug, it made a kind of funny noise, like a broken gong.  This startled her out of her anger and made her laugh, and she did it again.  I did an imitation of the silly noise, and this made the game twice as funny.

She then spent about 45 minutes dropping various nonbreakable items onto the rug to see what kind of noise they made.  I didn't totally love that idea, but she started out by wondering aloud what kind of noise a bigger item would make, and it seemed like true scientific curiosity, which it goes against my very nature to deny, so I let her have at it.  Luckily, the pan only makes the funny noise when it hits the rug, so this game is remarkably quiet for a gravity and sound experiment.

Every time she threw something down, she'd ask me, Momma, what does the pan say?  What does the big bowl say?  And then I imitated the noise after she dropped it.  She laughed every single time, and kept telling me That's SO funny.  So I went with it.  It's not often a comedienne gets to knock 'em dead by imitating falling cookware.

So that's what's new at our house.

That, and making silly faces.

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