
Friday, November 9, 2012

Anticipating the Holidays

"I see you shiver with antici... pation" - Rocky Horror Picture Show

You know how sometimes anticipation is so much better than whatever you're waiting for?  I think the holidays are the exception to that rule.

It's now officially less than two weeks till Thanksgiving, and a month and 9 days till my parents get here for their Christmas visit.  I am very excited to put on my second annual Thanksgiving feast, as my first one last year went spectacularly well, and I am hoping Maeve will like some of the foods on offer.  Well, I'm pretty sure she'll like the pumpkin pie cupcakes I'm going to make, but you never know with that child.

And for the last month or so, I've been working on an advent calendar for Maeve.  I was disheartened at the paucity of dairy-free advent calendars on the market in the US (there appears to be ONE), and advent calendars were one of my favorite ways to anticipate Christmas as a child, so I knuckled down and got sewing.  I sewed with yarn, in felt, which is a little more laborious than your usual needle and thread, and I'm still working on cutting little ornaments out of felt, one for each of the 24 days.  But the thing itself is done, and I couldn't be prouder of myself.

One of the best bits about being a parent is how it renews the glory of the universe for you, and Christmas has been totally brought back from the less-exciting version I was experiencing a few years ago.  Now it is magical and mysterious, glorious and generous all over again, because we are trying to introduce Maeve to all its wonder and meaning, and she loves absolutely all of it.  So I know the anticipation this year is going to mean a lot to her, well, nearly as much as getting a square of dairy-free dark chocolate is going to mean.

People get down on those of us who enjoy anticipating our holidays early.  I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but really, I haven't put up any decorations, lights, or trees; I haven't even put on any Christmas movies; I haven't done any Christmas baking; I have limited myself to books, and songs that celebrate the season.  And even just that has been enough to get Maeve excited, engaged, and ready for what's next.  And it's a wonderful feeling, at this most wonderful time of the year.

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