
Friday, March 8, 2013

Very Unpredictable Days

Sometimes I feel like I have a teenager, right at the moment.  Not only is she eating voraciously, sleeping at odd times, and begging me for things she knows she can't have, she's very moody. 

I just never know what kind of day it's going to be.  On a good day, she will go along with my ideas, be willing to try something new or do something all by herself.  On a good day, I hear Thank you, Momma all day long, in a sweet, singsong tone of voice.  I love good days.

On a bad day, everything I think of is a bad idea.  All she wants is what she can't have.  All she wants to do is what we can't afford to do, or can't because of the weather, or physics.  On a bad day, she opposes everything on the grounds that it exists.  And on days like that, I try to let her play alone, because any interaction with me is going to go badly.

So today is my letter B day, I'm planning on taking her to the Butterfly Pavilion, eating bread, decorating a letter B with feathers to make a bird.  I also (dun dun dunnnnnn) have to run to a store for just one thing.   Is she going to make today unbearable, or will we sail through everything, unperturbed and delighted by the spectacle?  Who knows?  I love her even when she's my sullen, teenage, almost-three year old, but some days I count the minutes till bedtime.


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