
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dolly in a Nutshell

I transcribed most of what Maeve said while I sat down to type my blog this morning. Here's what she told me:

"I am taking care of stuffies and dollies this morning, and I found the dolly that's in a nutshell. Literally."
(she found her Russian nesting doll.)
"I have all the cozy things my dollies and stuffies need here in my bag. (hums)"
"Three! Four! Five! I'm six!" (The Russian dolls are introducing themselves) "I'm the baby! I need to be inside the flower doll! Boop!" (more humming)
"Mom, I'm putting everybody back together without anybody being lost. See? Like this."
"Patches didn't eat this puppy, he just licked him. Just a little lick."
"Sorry, I gotta go! I need to go back in the Momma's tummy!"
"He needs to be protected by... MIS AMIGOS DOCTOR!"
"Mom, Mom, some, well, Mom, my phone number is 0010. Mom, would you please play with me?"

Well, that's my cue, I gotta go play with Maeve and the assorted dollies and stuffies. See you guys later.

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